Thank you, #BillsMafia and Buffalo Bills Fans!
Over $500,000 has been donated by fans in honor of Ravens QB Lamar Jackson.
Your generosity today will help Blessings in a Backpack provide hunger-free weekends for thousands of food-insecure kids across America who might otherwise go hungry.

Millions of children are fed during the school week by federal government programs. We want to make sure they’re getting nutritional meals over the weekend, too. As little as $130 will feed one child on the weekends for one 38-week school year through the Blessings in a Backpack program!
Did you know that we have more than 1,000 programs in nearly every state, including the Buffalo area, greater Baltimore, and Kansas City? There’s a good chance we have a Blessings in a Backpack program near you!
Who will feed the kids this weekend? You are!

Charges appear on your credit card statement as Blessings in a Backpack/Blackbaud Merchant Services.