Labcorp Feeds Kids This Summer With Blessings in a Backpack

Strategic partnership provides nearly 5,000 hunger-free weekends for children across eight states
Labcorp is collaborating with Blessings in a Backpack for a summer feeding program that will benefit more than 5,000 kids nationally. The program is providing bags of healthy food and fun summer activities for kids across the states that are served by Labcorp Diagnostic’s North Central Division (Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia). Labcorp, a global life sciences company, has several thousand employees that live and work in communities across that region.
As part of this partnership, nine Labcorp locations recently hosted packing events where employees filled weekend bags with ready-to-eat food and more than 6,000 fun summer items, including sidewalk chalk and jump ropes, for the kids attending summer camp at local schools and community centers.
“During the week, many children rely on free and reduced meal assistance programs at their schools, which is why Blessings in a Backpack feeds students every weekend during the school year to ensure they obtain the nutrition they need,” said Nikki Grizzle, chief marketing officer of Blessings in a Backpack.
“However, hunger doesn’t take a summer break. Thanks to Labcorp, these students will continue being fed until classes are back in session.”
The packing events from this partnership will provide nearly 5,000 hunger-free weekends throughout nine communities for this year’s eight-week summer break. Labcorp’s Charleston, West Virginia, packing event provided 1,200 bags of food, and each of the following packing events provided 500 bags: Itasca, Illinois; Indianapolis, Indiana; South Bend, Indiana; Louisville, Kentucky; Novi, Michigan; St. Louis, Missouri; Dublin, Ohio; and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
The partnership also created more than 450 employee engagement service hours for the Labcorp Central North Division team.
“Labcorp is an active participant in the health and well-being of members of the community, and our support of Blessings in a Backpack for this summer feeding program is an excellent example of our important collaborations with local and national service organizations,” said Amy Rhine-Pallas, senior vice president Labcorp’s North Central Division. “It’s truly been an emotional experience for our team members to pack the bags of food and activities for these students and know they are impacting so many children’s lives. We look forward to seeing how this initiative will benefit these students this summer.”