Notre Dame Global Day of Service: April 27, 2024
On April 27, the Notre Dame Global Day of Service, volunteer with Blessings in a Backpack to provide hunger-free weekends for the kids in your community by hosting a food drive and delivering the food to a local school or community organization.
Childhood hunger exists in every zip code in the United States; more than 13.4 million children are food insecure. That’s ONE in FIVE kids who eat meals at school during the week but are without affordable, healthy food on Saturday and Sunday. The consequences are much more than a growling stomach. Hunger can cause many physical health problems, shorten a child’s attention span, lower their IQ, and keep them from making good grades.
Who will feed the kids this weekend? The Fighting Irish will!
Photo by Bob Self/Florida Times-Union
Photo by Bob Self/Florida Times-Union
Post pictures, videos, and any updates about your service activity, whether it’s hosting a food drive or writing inspirational note cards. Share how they can support the cause.
Sample social media posts:
April 27 is the #NDGlobalDayofService and I’m collecting food for [city’s] local #BlessingsinaBackpack program. Our goal is to collect enough food to feed XXX children this weekend!
The Fighting Irish [alum/students/friends] in [city] are fighting childhood hunger this #NDGlobalDayofService with #BlessingsinaBackpack!
Who will feed the kids this weekend? I will! As a Notre Dame [alum/student/friend], I’m volunteering with our local #BlessingsinaBackpack program, which provides hunger-free weekends for kids who might otherwise go hungry. #NDGlobalDayofService
A little can go a long way when we get together and give back on April 27 for #NDGlobalDayofService! This year, [I or our club/group] am/is supporting #BlessingsinBackpack to feed school-aged children who might otherwise go hungry.
Click on the platform name below to connect with us on your favorite channel(s).
Use the #NDGlobalDayofService and #BlessingsinaBackpack hashtags when you post, in addition to other hashtags relevant to your club or community. 3-5 hashtags per post are the sweet spot.
The week of May 1, Blessings in a Backpack will email you a short survey asking about your volunteer experience and the impact made in your community. We will share the results with the Notre Dame Alumni Association.