Growing Up Blessings: Connor
We have all heard the saying that “things aren’t always as they appear.” That was definitely the case with Connor – a bright and vivacious elementary school student.
At first glance, you may never guess that Connor was struggling with food insecurity. During the week, he was nourished by school-provided meals, but on the weekends, he often went hungry.
Connor described hunger as a burning feeling. He said it weighed him down, made him tired, restless, and sometimes easy to anger.
With the help of a school counselor, Connor was connected to the Blessings in a Backpack program at his school and now receives food each week when he leaves school on Friday.
Connor is one of more than a million children Blessings in a Backpack has fed since it was founded nearly 15 years ago, but we could not do it without YOU!